Terms & Conditions
Last edited on
Jan 29, 2025
By registering, all delegates, advisors, schools, and participants in any capacity hereby agree to comply with the following terms and conditions set forth by Rocky Hill High School Model United Nations Conference I ("RHHSMUN I"). The following Terms and Conditions describe the fees, deadlines, policies, and disclaimers of RHHSMUN I, among other items.
I. Delegate Eligibility
a. Registered delegates who will be participating in RHHSMUN I must be currently enrolled in high school and between the ages of 13-18 (not as an undergraduate at a college or university). The staff and Secretariat of RHHSMUN I reserve the right to investigate the eligibility of any delegate and to expel without furnishing any cause or refund to any individual determined to be ineligible for participation as a delegate. The RHHSMUN I Secretary-General also reserves the right to permit delegation attendance at their discretion.
b. Delegates may only attend the conference in the company of at least one advisor who is over the age of 18.
d. Delegates must submit their signed liability form provided by RHHSMUN I to participate in the conference.
f. If a student is found to be ineligible for the conference or has any behavior that is found to be disruptive or detrimental to the conference, they will be dismissed without a refund.
II. Delegation and Advisor Eligibility
a. No delegation may consist of more than 45 delegates and 6 advisors.
b. For the purposes of award evaluation, RHHSMUN I considers small delegations to consist of 15 or fewer delegates and large delegations to be greater than 15 delegates.
d. Advisors must submit signed liability forms for their delegates and a completed advisor agreement, both provided by RHHSMUN I, to participate in the conference.
e. Advisors must meet all responsibilities outlined in the advisor guide, Terms and Conditions, and any other communications from the RHHSMUN I Secretariat.
f. If a delegation, delegate, or advisor acts in any way that does not align with the mission and core values of RHHSMUN I or is deemed detrimental to the conference quality and philosophy, RHHSMUN I reserves the right to reject and/or expel them along with the respective delegation immediately without refund. They, along with the respective delegation, may be prohibited from attending RHHSMUN I in future years.
g. All decisions pertaining to clauses f and g rest with the Secretary-General of RHHSMUN I and are final. Such decisions cannot be appealed.
Conference Conduct
I. General Standards:
a. By attending RHHSMUN I, delegates, advisors, and delegations agree to abide by the standards of conduct outlined in these Terms and Conditions.
b. RHHSMUN I reserves the right to determine the scope and definition of unacceptable behavior that is deemed detrimental to the conference or not in compliance with these Terms and Conditions and to take appropriate measures to discipline or dismiss the offending delegate, advisor, or delegation without refund.
c. Neither RHHSMUN I nor Rocky Hill High School is responsible for any loss, injury, harm, illness, or infection with any consequences that occur for any reason whatsoever, however arising, during the course of RHHSMUN I. Advisors assume all responsibility for themselves, delegates under their supervision, and anyone else accompanying them at the conference.
d. Delegates and advisors must follow all RHHSMUN I security and health procedures outlined by the RHHSMUN I Secretariat. Failure to follow rules or procedures may result in penalties ascribed by the Secretary-General or dismissal.
e. RHHSMUN I will strictly enforce an environment of respect among delegates, advisors, and staff. Any form of harassment or bullying will not be tolerated and such conduct may result in expulsion from the conference and/or other severe consequences determined by RHHSMUN I.
f. There is a strict policy against the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and other controlled substances during the conference. Delegates found with or consuming such substances will be expelled from the conference. Advisors are advised not to consume alcohol during the conference.
g. Delegates who are experiencing sickness, fever, nausea, or other signs of illness may not attend committee sessions. Chairs will take such absences into account when determining awards. Any actions violating such guidelines or other health and safety protocols outlined by the RHHSMUN I Secretariat may result in expulsion from the conference and/or other consequences determined by RHHSMUN I.
II. Delegate Conduct:
a. Delegates must abide by the standards of conduct outlined in these Terms and Conditions. Any infractions will factor into awards considerations and a delegation’s ability to attend future RHHSMUN I conferences.
b. Western Business Attire (WBA) is required for the entirety of the conference and will be strictly enforced. Failure to comply with Western Business Attire may result in a delegate being asked to leave committee and change into appropriate attire. Repeated offenses may result in the delegate’s dismissal from the conference.
c. Delegates must abide by RHHSMUN I’s in-committee technology policy. Computers, laptops, cellphones, and other Wi-Fi-enabled devices may only be used during unmoderated caucuses at the discretion of their chairs. Failure to comply with this policy may be met with consequences as ascribed by the respective committee chairs and RHHSMUN I Secretariat members.
Registration, Deadlines, and Schedules
I. Registration Policies
a. All delegations must register through the official RHHSMUN I registration site.
b. Registration will be processed on a rolling basis. Delegations must submit the entire deposit for the total delegation fees by the prescribed deadline to secure registration. Delegations will not be considered for placement at the conference until the deposit is received by RHHSMUN I. Once the deposit is received, delegations will be notified if their registration to the conference has been approved and placement allotted, depending on conference capacity. All deposits are non-refundable.
c. Due to capacity constraints, RHHSMUN I does not guarantee registration and placement at the conference to any delegation. Conference placement is granted on a first-come, first-served basis at the discretion of the RHHSMUN I Secretariat.
d. RHHSMUN I reserves the right to rescind the registration placements of delegations that do not adhere to the stipulated deadlines or abide by these Terms and Conditions.
e. Delegations that have completed registration but are not accepted through the rolling process will be placed on a waitlist. Should a spot become available, delegations will be informed, and their registrations confirmed. RHHSMUN I will do its best to inform advisors and delegations of their status on the waitlist as early as possible and will provide a final decision by the end of November.
f. All registered delegations must adhere to the deadlines and fees outlined in these Terms and Conditions. Failure to do so may result in late fees and/or the inability to attend RHHSMUN I.
II. Registration Deadlines
RHHSMUN I Registration Officially Opens: On 22nd January, 2025 RHHSMUN I Registration Closes: On March 1st, 2025 All Fees Due: On 1st March, 2025 Country/Committee Preferences Due: On 14th March,2025 Delegate & Advisor Liability Forms Due: On 8th March, 2025
III. Fees Failure
Failure to pay the following fees will result in inability to attend RHHSMUN I: Delegate Fee, 50$ per delegate (payment waived for one advisor per 10 delegates), due March 1 2025.
IV. Committee Assignments
a. Successfully registered delegations will be assigned countries and committees. Country assignments will not be released to a delegation until the full payment has been received and processed, and the delegation has no outstanding balance.
b. If RHHSMUN finds that a delegate has committed plagiarism on any submitted material, the delegate will not be allowed to attend RHHSMUN I, and the advisor will be notified. No refunds will be issued.
c. Delegations agree to respect the committee assignment decisions of RHHSMUN and understand that due to limited availability and a large number of participants, country preferences cannot always be met.
d. Committee assignments, once released to a delegation, cannot be altered unless at the discretion of the RHHSMUN Secretary-General.
h. RHHSMUN reserves the right to modify committees and committee structure in order to follow social distancing or other health guidelines.
i. If a delegate is no longer able to attend the conference, another delegate from the same delegation or school must replace them unless the number of delegates attending is changed prior to the March 10 deadline (please refer to the Deadlines section).
j. If a spot is unable to be replaced, the advisor from that delegation must notify RHHSMUN immediately.
k. RHHSMUN reserves the right to change committee and country assignments if delegation sizes change.
V. Schedule
RHHSMUN reserves the right to change the schedule as deemed fit and necessary by the RHHSMUN Secretary-General. The schedule available on the RHHSMUN website is tentative and subject to change.
VI. Payments, Cancellations, and Refunds
a. If a school submits or emails a request to make a change to their registration (delegate number, name, or committee assignment), before the deadlines, a confirmation email must be received from RHHSMUN to the school in order for that change to be valid. Otherwise, the school will be held responsible for paying the full balance owed prior to the change.
b. In the event of inclement weather, poor transport, illness, global pandemic, or any other extenuating circumstance that prevents a delegation from attending the conference, the school or organization supporting the delegation will still be responsible for paying the delegation’s balance in full (unless the delegation cancels prior to November 1, 2024).
c. By registering, all delegations acknowledge the possibility that RHHSMUN I may be modified, canceled, or experience schedule adjustments due to natural disasters, inclement weather, global pandemic, or other acts of god.
d. RHHSMUN is not responsible for a delegation’s failure to make travel and accommodation arrangements on time. If travel or accommodation arrangements are not made on time and that affects conference attendance, RHHSMUN is not responsible for refunds or liability.
e. RHHSMUN is not responsible for the inability of any delegation to make travel and accommodations or secure visas under all circumstances.
f. RHHSMUN is not responsible for conference cancellation due to a global pandemic, incapacitating natural disaster, or other acts of god.
g. RHHSMUN reserves the right to disinvite delegations from areas experiencing outbreaks of infectious diseases. For domestic delegations, such areas will be determined by the instruction of state, local, or municipal “stay at home,” “shelter in place,” or any other social distancing recommendation or requirement for any period after full payment is due.
h. Full refunds will only be issued at the discretion of the RHHSMUN Secretary-General. No other refunds will be considered under any circumstance except those listed elsewhere.
i. RHHSMUN is not responsible for lost payments or checks sent to the wrong address. If checks are mailed without the proper identification information, RHHSMUN is not responsible for any misprocessing of the check.
j. Check payments must be made out to “Rocky Hill High School” and sent to the correct address stated on the website.
k. The deposit must be received for a registration to be considered complete. No registration will be processed unless the deposit is received. Delegations are not guaranteed placement or admission to the conference.
l. Delegations must pay all conference fees by March 1 2025, to attend RHHSMUN. RHHSMUN reserves the right to void a delegation’s registration and rescind country assignments and seats if conference fees are not received by the March 1, 2025 deadline. All delegate name changes and/or liability waivers must be submitted by March 8, 2024, and uploaded to the Registration Website. If any name changes and/or liability waivers are submitted after this date, the delegation will be charged a late fee.
VII. Exceptions and Violations
The Secretary-General and Directors-General are the only individuals authorized to grant exceptions or extensions to conference policies and deadlines. Violation of the policies herein may result in the revocation of assigned seats with no refund, expulsion, and prohibition from future RHHSMUN conferences.
Questions regarding registration, payment, or forms should be sent to suhaanwasu.juve@gmail.com
Questions about committees should be directed to venugopal.prithika@gmail.com
All other inquiries should be sent to rockyhillhs.mun@gmail.com.
Last Updated: January 2025