Director-General of Design

Tyler Eigo

Tyler Eigo

Tyler Eigo

Tyler Eigo is the Director General of Design, and is a junior at Rocky Hill High School. Throughout his high school career, he has been actively involved in many clubs and activities, including the varsity tennis team, marching band, winter guard, NAHS, NHS, NLHSand freshman year was the class vice president. In his spare time he enjoys exercising, drawing, listening to music, and reading. He plans to go into the biochemistry field and eventually receive his PHD.

Tyler Eigo is the Director General of Design, and is a junior at Rocky Hill High School. Throughout his high school career, he has been actively involved in many clubs and activities, including the varsity tennis team, marching band, winter guard, NAHS, NHS, NLHSand freshman year was the class vice president. In his spare time he enjoys exercising, drawing, listening to music, and reading. He plans to go into the biochemistry field and eventually receive his PHD.

Tyler Eigo is the Director General of Design, and is a junior at Rocky Hill High School. Throughout his high school career, he has been actively involved in many clubs and activities, including the varsity tennis team, marching band, winter guard, NAHS, NHS, NLHSand freshman year was the class vice president. In his spare time he enjoys exercising, drawing, listening to music, and reading. He plans to go into the biochemistry field and eventually receive his PHD.

Contact Information:

General Queries:

Secretary General:

RHHS Principal:


Conference Information:

March 29th, 2025

Rocky Hill High School, Rocky Hill, CT

© 2024 Rocky Hill United Nations. Website designed by Suhaan Wasu

Contact Information:

General Queries:

Secretary General:

RHHS Principal:


Conference Information:

March 29th, 2025

Rocky Hill High School, Rocky Hill, CT

© 2024 Rocky Hill United Nations. Website designed by Suhaan Wasu