Associate of Technology

Rijul Choudari

Rijul Choudari

Rijul Choudari

Rijul is a junior in high school who is also an older brother. He is a drum major for the Rocky Hill Marching Band and has gone to nationals. He is also a state level swimmer and is on the tennis team. He volunteers to help disabled children around the pool and listens to The Weekend and Arctic Monkeys during his freetime. He also likes to play basketball and video games with his friends.

Rijul is a junior in high school who is also an older brother. He is a drum major for the Rocky Hill Marching Band and has gone to nationals. He is also a state level swimmer and is on the tennis team. He volunteers to help disabled children around the pool and listens to The Weekend and Arctic Monkeys during his freetime. He also likes to play basketball and video games with his friends.

Rijul is a junior in high school who is also an older brother. He is a drum major for the Rocky Hill Marching Band and has gone to nationals. He is also a state level swimmer and is on the tennis team. He volunteers to help disabled children around the pool and listens to The Weekend and Arctic Monkeys during his freetime. He also likes to play basketball and video games with his friends.


Contact Information:

General Queries:

Secretary General:

RHHS Principal:


Conference Information:

March 29th, 2025

Rocky Hill High School, Rocky Hill, CT

© 2024 Rocky Hill United Nations. Website designed by Suhaan Wasu

Contact Information:

General Queries:

Secretary General:

RHHS Principal:


Conference Information:

March 29th, 2025

Rocky Hill High School, Rocky Hill, CT

© 2024 Rocky Hill United Nations. Website designed by Suhaan Wasu