Associate of Marketing

Bayan Abed

Bayan Abed

Bayan Abed

Bayan Abed, a Junior at Rocky Hill High Schools joined the Model United Nations club at its very beginnings. She loves to go shopping, spend time and debate with others and spends most of her time in social settings. With her good communication and public speaking skills she aspires to make a good living and dreams of becoming a billionaire so she can buy her Birkins and go on massive shopping sprees.

Bayan Abed, a Junior at Rocky Hill High Schools joined the Model United Nations club at its very beginnings. She loves to go shopping, spend time and debate with others and spends most of her time in social settings. With her good communication and public speaking skills she aspires to make a good living and dreams of becoming a billionaire so she can buy her Birkins and go on massive shopping sprees.

Bayan Abed, a Junior at Rocky Hill High Schools joined the Model United Nations club at its very beginnings. She loves to go shopping, spend time and debate with others and spends most of her time in social settings. With her good communication and public speaking skills she aspires to make a good living and dreams of becoming a billionaire so she can buy her Birkins and go on massive shopping sprees.

Contact Information:

General Queries:

Secretary General:

RHHS Principal:


Conference Information:

March 29th, 2025

Rocky Hill High School, Rocky Hill, CT

© 2024 Rocky Hill United Nations. Website designed by Suhaan Wasu

Contact Information:

General Queries:

Secretary General:

RHHS Principal:


Conference Information:

March 29th, 2025

Rocky Hill High School, Rocky Hill, CT

© 2024 Rocky Hill United Nations. Website designed by Suhaan Wasu